Año: 2019
Autor: Rocío Fernanda Jara, Ramiro Daniel Crego, Francisco Javier Arellano, Tomás Alberto Altamirano, José Tomás Ibarra, Ricardo Rozzi and Jaime Enrique Jiménez
Línea: Sustentabiliadad de Sistemas Socio-ecológicos
Palabras Clave: Anairetes parulus, Elaenia albiceps, Latitude, Nesting, Phrygilus patagonicus, Turdus falcklandii, Zonotrichia capensis
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Publicado en: Revista Chilena de Hostoria Natural,
Título: Breeding strategies of open-cup-nesting birds in sub-Antarctic forests of Navarino Island, Chile

Rocío Fernanda Jara, Ramiro Daniel Crego, Francisco Javier Arellano, Tomás Alberto Altamirano,
José Tomás Ibarra, Ricardo Rozzi and Jaime Enrique Jiménez

There is limited knowledge about the breeding strategies of birds inhabiting in South American temperate forests. This is particularly true for open-cup forest passerines breeding at high latitudes (> 42°). To better understand the ecology of these species, in this study we described and compared the breeding strategies (i.e., nest dimensions, nest height from the ground, egg laying rhythm, clutch size, length of the developmental periods, breeding phenology, and diversity of nesting substrate) of five passerine birds that inhabit sub-Antarctic ecosystems.

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Año: 2018
Autor: Paola AranedaI , Walter Sielfeld, Cristián Bonacic, José Tomás Ibarra
Línea: Sustentabiliadad de Sistemas Socio-ecológicos
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Publicado en: https:// doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207544
Título: Bird diversity along elevational gradients in the Dry Tropical Andes of northern Chile: The potential role of Aymara indigenous traditional agriculture

Paola AranedaI , Walter Sielfeld, Cristián Bonacic, José Tomás Ibarra

Understanding diversity patterns along environmental gradients lies at the heart of community ecology and conservation. Previous studies have found variation in bird diversity and density along “natural” elevational gradients in the Tropical Andes Hotspot. However, there is still a lack of knowledge about how bird communities respond to traditional land-use patterns, in association with other multiple drivers, along elevations. In the present study, we investigated biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic sources of variation associated with bird species diversity, density and turnover along a 3000-m elevational gradient, in southern limit of the Tropical Andes Hotspot, northern Chile. Over four seasons, we conducted 472 bird point count surveys and established 118 plots distributed across the Desert, Pre-Puna, Puna and High-Andean belts, where biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors were measured. We used mixed-effects models to estimate alpha diversity and multinomial Poisson mixture models to estimate species density, accounting for detectability. Species diversity and density increased until 3300 masl and then declined. This type of elevational pattern is characteristic of dry based mountains, where environmental conditions are suitable at midelevations. Habitats shaped by traditional Aymara indigenous agriculture, associated with relatively high vegetation heterogeneity, hosted the highest values of bird diversity and density. Species turnover was structured by habitat type, while elevational ranges of most species were restricted to three relatively discrete assemblages that replaced each other along the gradient. Our study revealed a hump-shaped relationship between elevation and bird diversity and density in the Dry Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, supporting a diversity pattern characteristic of dry-based mountains of the world. Traditional Aymara agriculture may have constructed ecological niches for biodiversity at mid-elevations, enhancing.

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Año: 2019
Autor: José Tomás Ibarra, Julián Caviedes, Antonia Barreau y Natalia Pessa
Equipo: Ilustraciones: Belén Chávez
Línea: Sustentabiliadad de Sistemas Socio-ecológicos
Palabras Clave: huertas, familiares, sustentabilidad,
Tipo de publicación: Libro
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José Tomás Ibarra, Julián Caviedes, Antonia Barreau y Natalia Pessa

Cómo citar este libro:
Ibarra, J. T., J. Caviedes, A. Barreau & N. Pessa (Eds). 2019. Huertas familiares y comunitarias: cultivando soberanía alimentaria. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 228 pp.

La presente publicación reúne una serie de experiencias relacionadas a la agricultura familiar y a huertas familiares y comunitarias en Chile. Este trabajo se desarrolló en el marco del proyecto “Huerta andina de La Araucanía como patrimonio biocultural: un enfoque agroecológico y agroturístico” (PYT-2016-0347), apoyado por la Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Gobierno de Chile. Las opiniones expresadas en este libro son de exclusiva responsabilidad de los autores y no necesariamente representan la opinión de FIA.

